Monday, May 30, 2011

Accessing WDS information using VBScript and COM objects

Hi all

A few weeks ago I found myself looking for a way to script various WDS functions using VBScript. My searches on VBscript turned up empty - nobody knew of COM objects or WMI namespaces available for use. I did a search on COM objects and found that there are indeed objects to use - and this person found it in Powershell.

The Object's name is WdsMgmt.WdsManager - and it allows you to approve and reject computers in the pending queue, list approved and rejected computers, among other functions. Here's a script that will list the approved computers - see the link above for ways to explore the object's properties and methods using Powershell.

Dim objWDS, objServer, objPending, objComputer, strMac

Set objWDS = CreateObject("WdsMgmt.WdsManager", "PBORBU01")
Set objServer = objWDS.GetWdsServer("localhost")
Set objPending = objServer.PendingDeviceManager.GetApprovedDevices

While not objPending.Eof

 Set objComputer=objPending.getNext()

 strMac = objComputer.MacAddress
 strMac = Mid(strMac, 21, 2) & "-" & Mid(strMac, 23, 2) & "-" & _
  Mid(strMac, 25, 2) & "-" & Mid(strMac, 27, 2) & "-" & _
  Mid(strMac, 29, 2) & "-" & Mid(strMac, 31, 2)

 Wscript.Echo "Name: " & objComputer.MachineName
 Wscript.Echo "MAC: " & strMac
 Wscript.Echo "Architecture: " & objComputer.Architecture
 Wscript.Echo "Last Changed: " & objComputer.LastChangeTime
 Wscript.Echo "Last Changed By: " & objComputer.LastChangeUser
 Wscript.Echo "Joined domain?: " & objComputer.JoinDomain
 Wscript.Echo ""


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